Thankful For All of You!
“ACTS XXIX is the most fruitful apostolate I’ve ever seen and been around. Every dollar is building the kingdom. There’s so much fruit, both measurable and of eternal consequences.” A dear friend and partner on mission recently shared these words with us.
How Do You See Things?
How, as believers in Jesus, are we to live in this time of “already and not yet?” With the news seemingly getting worse (and crazier) each day in the world, the country, and the Church, this question seems increasingly important.
Grieving With Hope
When I was a younger priest I used to think I knew a lot more than I do now. As I’ve gotten older, I am less and less sure about many things. There is one thing, though, that I know for certain. God hates death. It isn’t supposed to be here.
Not Just The Gospel
It’s been said often that we are rapidly leaving behind an era called Christendom for a very different one