In the Leadership Immersives, we imbue leadership teams with the three essential principles for transformation in the Church. We host cohorts of bishops, pastors, diocesan leaders, apostolates and other influencers in the Church. Over the course of a week, we draw on prayer, hospitality, teaching, small group workshops, and fellowship.

The goals for the leadership immersives:

  • Be reconfigured for Apostolic Leadership.

  • Get fired up for the mission we were born for.

  • Change forever the way we make decisions.

The Leadership Immersives are offered free-of-charge. Teams are responsible for their travel expenses, and we have arranged for excellent rates at trusted accommodations.


Availability is on a first-come, first served basis.


“In my nearly twenty years of professional ministry work for the Church - in which the Lord has been beyond generous with the good people and opportunities to grow and serve that He has placed in my life - I count the days of the Leadership Immersive as the most significant thus far.

“The ACTS XXIX team, through their beautiful witness, time, and hospitality, have shown what it can look like as a team to live more as a family on mission and to surrender more completely to the Lord. The Leadership Immersive concretely helps leadership teams put into practice the principle of "restoring the initiative to God." In the Church, we speak often about the importance of prayer and discernment, but we are challenged beyond measure in living it out individually and collectively.

“If you are looking for a way to renew and reorient your team in putting the Lord first in everything you do and in the decisions you make, I know of no better experience than the ACTS XXIX Leadership Immersive. It has charted a new course. Come Holy Spirit!” -  Andrew W. Lichtenwalner, Ph.D.

“I count my experience with the Acts XXIX Leadership Immersive as one of the more transformative experiences in my life. I have experienced few people who take Gospel leadership principles so seriously and witness to them so convincingly as Acts XXIX. My leadership team was deeply impacted spiritually and invited to a new way of supporting each other on mission truly based in the Gospel. We were filled with hope and enthusiasm for mission. 

“I personally have been deeply convicted about how to live a more human and apostolic missionary life. I left with much greater confidence in the Lord and the way I lead and make decisions has been transformed.” - Bishop Andrew Cozzens

“Our whole Leadership Team (myself included) left the week different than when we entered. Our understanding of our mission as a Leadership Team and staff changed. We came to a new understanding of the Biblical imperative to put a priority on first listening to God (and expecting to hear from him and then setting the agenda, rather than first setting the agenda, then asking God to bless it.)

“Furthermore, to missionary disciples already struggling with too many good things to do, this will take much more of our precious time. And this will be a good thing because God wants to teach us to stop rushing around, learn to wait for the Holy Spirit to fall upon us, then follow where He leads.

“We also received a new vision for our Leadership Team, our parish staff, and our whole parish to be a family. Our name is the Church of the Holy Family. It is more than a name. It is our identity.” - Fr. Bob LaCroix

In my secular work we do offsites frequently. We pay handily for them. When I saw you don’t charge at all I wondered how and why that could be. Now I know why. What you offer is truly priceless. Thank you.” - Deacon Russ Ortisi

Are Leadership Immersives 

right for you and your team?

While participant feedback has been extraordinary, we recognize that Leadership Immersives are not for everyone (find more information here).   The key is to understand whether your team is sufficiently ready for participation in a Leadership Immersive. The following assessment is intend for the leader (e.g., bishop, pastor, ministry leader) to review readiness:


To Learn More About Us