Leadership Immersives

In the Leadership Immersives, we imbue leadership teams with the three essential principles for transformation in the Church. We host cohorts of bishops, pastors, diocesan leaders, apostolates and other influencers in the Church. Over the course of a week, we draw on prayer, hospitality, teaching, small group workshops, and fellowship.

The goals for the leadership immersives:
  • Be reconfigured for Apostolic Leadership.
  • Get fired up for the mission we were born for.
  • Change forever the way we make decisions.
The Leadership Immersives are offered free-of-charge. Teams are responsible for their travel expenses, and we have arranged for excellent rates at trusted accommodations.

Are Leadership Immersives right for you and your team?

What leaders are saying…

Here you can find a couple of discernment aids to help you assess whether a Leadership Immersive is for you and your team…

While participant feedback has been extraordinary, we recognize that Leadership Immersives are not for everyone. For further information - Click here

Consider taking this self-assessment for team readiness… Click here for the Assessment

Upcoming Dates

Availability is on a first-come, first served basis.

To Learn More About Us