Eating Well for Lent
Reading good books gets us out of the world of click-bait, newsfeeds and headlines that often make up the bulk the of the mental furniture in our minds. Those things are often like junk food for the mind, whereas good books are like power foods. Lent is, then, I think, a time to put some good food into our minds
Oh, for a Great Soul!
Now, some might think this virtue is, well, not a virtue. How do we reconcile this with the virtue of humility? People who are magnanimous aren’t proud, since they consider everything they have and are as a gift from God. And since God is so good, His gifts are likewise good. The magnanimous person desires to use those gifts as best he can, not so that he is praised, but that God is praised through him.
Getting Ready for Lent
What would it be like if we got ready for Lent by bringing these questions to the Lord about our lives?
Rather than just give up or take on a bunch of stuff, good as it can be, I have sensed the Lord inviting me to ask Him, “What is the biggest wound in my life?” “What is hell’s strategy for my life?” “Now, based on what You reveal to me, Lord, what should I do this Lent?”
Did Paul Have a Staff?
Paul has always been a hero of mine. When I was just out of college, I spent the better part of a summer praying with every verse where Paul spoke about himself. It allowed me to feel as though I really got to know Paul. He’s been my model of priesthood ever since. It’s almost impossible to overstate the impact this man, who wrote less than 80 pages, has had on Church and world history.