Mobilize for Life
Restoring the dignity of every human person
Given the increasing rhetoric on the matter of the unborn and whether they should be considered persons and, therefore, defended, we have adapted a talk given by Fr. John. Because of the importance of this issue, we have segmented the talk into four parts. By making it more digestible for deeper reflection, we hope it will become easier to share with others.
Abortion is more than a word
What abortion is not
The enemy is the enemy
Just rebels to be won
We encourage you read all four parts in the series. They work together to create a complete narrative that moves from the disturbing truth about abortion to a hopeful discussion about who we are called to be as Christians in today’s world and how we must witness the truth courageously, but with love and respect, always believing that together with God we have the power to change hearts and minds.
God has got this. Be not afraid.
Abortion is more than a word
What if people saw an abortion?
Have you ever seen one? And by that I mean have you ever seen one in a movie, on television, on a cable show? Our movies and our television programs are filled with every kind of unspeakable violence. You name it, we’ve seen it. Horrific gore. Unbelievable acts of brutality. Abortion, for many people, is just a term, much like “domestic violence” was just a term before we saw what it actually meant.
What abortion is not
Abortion is not a religious issue.
It does not depend on faith. It does not depend on what is stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It does not depend on what is in the Bible. It does not depend on what the Pope says or what a bishop says or what any person in a collar says. Nor is abortion a matter of belief. We are much too careless with our language. To say that you believe abortion is wrong is simply an erroneous way of speaking. It has nothing to do with belief.
The enemy is the Enemy:
Advice for Christians and the Abortion Debate
The enemy is the Enemy. Period. It is not another political party. It is not a politician. It is not those who champion a right to abortion. It is not even the doctors who profit from abortion and perform them. The enemy is Hell. Period.
Just rebels to be won
We are going to need to make sure we know what we are talking about…
that we understand what is behind the word “abortion,” and that we are able to talk about it calmly, reasonably, intelligibly, so that we can help others to “see” what we are talking about. And we are certainly going to need to pray for those who for whatever reason are championing the rights to intentionally and deliberately kill innocent human beings.
Watch the live recording of the talk here…